
iTIP’s advocacy efforts focus on identifying key issues, creating meaningful public/private coalitions, empowering members, and engaging in advocacy events and programming at the local, state, and federal levels.

Legislative Spotlight 2022 – Week 13

Legislative Spotlight 2022 – Week 12

Legislative Spotlight 2022 – Week 11

Bill Tracker

Current iTIP members view the most recent bill tracker here. Login to your member portal to gain access to the information.

2025 Legislative Priorities

  1. Promote Tourism through User-Funded Enhancements

    • Support initiatives that allow for self-sustaining user fees to invest in and improve tourism destinations across Iowa.
      • A Tourism Improvement District (TID) is a mechanism for funding tourism activities that
        are managed and desired by property owners that can be passed on to the tourist. (Learn more about TIDs)
  2. Maintain Consistent Tourism Funding
    • Advocate for preserving current tourism line items in the state budget to ensure continued growth and development in the industry.
    • Funding is distributed through projects such as Destination Iowa, Community Attraction & Tourism (CAT), Regional Sports Authority Districts, Meet in Iowa, and Inspire Iowa to name a few. These funding disbursements are tracked via the five tourism areas.
  3. Maintain Iowa’s Summer Tourism Season
  4. Fund the Major Tourism Attraction Fund
    • Secure ongoing support for the Major Tourism Attraction Fund to boost large-scale tourism projects that enhance Iowa’s appeal.

The focus of iTIP's Advocacy efforts:

Advocating for Iowa’s travel and tourism industry—and the diverse sectors connected to our visitor economy—is a core mission of iTIP. We actively work to strengthen relationships and highlight tourism’s vital role with the Governor’s Administration, Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), elected officials, state agencies, and industry stakeholders.

iTIP strategically monitors and advocates for key policy and legislative issues affecting the tourism industry at both the state and federal levels. By staying engaged with national industry organizations such as the American Bus Association, U.S. Travel Association, and Destinations International, iTIP remains at the forefront of understanding policies that impact Iowa’s tourism industry.

Advocacy Toolkit

The iTIP Advocacy Toolkit is your go-to resource for effectively championing Iowa’s tourism industry. Designed to empower our members, this comprehensive guide provides valuable tips on engaging with legislators, understanding the legislative process, and crafting impactful messages. Whether you’re new to advocacy or a seasoned professional, the toolkit offers practical advice, proven strategies, and essential tools to help you make a difference. Together, we can strengthen Iowa’s tourism industry and drive meaningful change. Access the toolkit to become a powerful advocate for Iowa tourism!