Elevate Iowa Tourism: Education Scholarship

Program Description:
- The Elevate Iowa Tourism: Education Scholarship aims to empower Iowa’s tourism professionals through financial assistance, facilitating their participation in regional and national educational conferences. Administered by Iowa Travel Industry Partners (iTIP), with funding support from the Iowa Tourism Office (Iowa Economic Development Authority).
The program strives to:
- Enhance Professional Development by enabling tourism professionals to access high-quality learning experiences.
Increase Representation of Iowa’s tourism workforce at national industry events, elevating Iowa’s presence in the tourism sector.
Empower the Workforce by equipping participants with industry insights and best practices to benefit their communities and organizations.
Funding Details:
- The scholarship covers 60% of event registration costs and associated travel expenses, up to a maximum of $2,000 per person.
- Eligible expenses include airfare, rental cars, mileage reimbursement, hotels, and transportation during the event. Please note that meals are not covered.
- Up to $40,000 is available for the first year of the program, with a maximum of $4,000 per organization.
- Employment: Applicants must have a minimum of six months of employment within Iowa’s tourism or hospitality industry.
- Membership: iTIP members will receive priority, but all Iowa tourism professionals are encouraged to apply.
- Organization Limit: A maximum of two individuals from the same organization may receive funding each program year (only one attendee per event).
- Event Type: Conferences focused on professional development, not sales or trade shows, are eligible.
- Event Location: Event must be hosted by a regional/national level organization, most likely hosting in another state. Events hosted by Iowa based organizations are ineligible.
- Application Period: closed at this time
- Award Announcement for Round 2 recipients: March 3, 2025
- Usage Period: Scholarships are valid until December 31, 2025.
Eligible Expenses:
- Event registration fees (If your conference offers, and timing aligns, please utilize the early-bird pricing.)
- Travel (airfare, mileage, rental car, hotel costs)
- Note: Meals are not reimbursable.
Application Process
- Submission: Applicants must submit an application that provides a detailed budget, event relevance, and their commitment to covering the 40% match.
- Scoring Criteria: Applications will be evaluated on event relevance, impact potential, membership status, and alignment with Iowa’s strategic tourism goals.
Sponsorship Fund Distribution
- Following approval, iTIP will reimburse the recipient’s conference registration fees.
- For travel and accommodations expenses, recipients will be reimbursed after submitting receipts within 30 days of the event’s conclusion. A template and form will be provided for the submission of expenses.
- A volunteer committee, comprising iTIP and industry members, will review applications. Members of this committee can apply but will abstain from voting on their applications.
Applications for the Elevate Iowa Tourism: Education Scholarship are closed at this time.
Application Materials
- Download the budget template. Be sure to upload this document to your application. Also include a screenshot of the conference registration fees page.
- Preview the application scoring rubric.
- View the Iowa Tourism Industry Strategic Plan.
- Download the program guidelines.
- Are you wanting someone to review your application to offer advice before you submit? Contact industry colleagues Bonnie Alley, Julie Kronlage, or Beth Meyer to learn from their grant experiences.
Scholarship Recipients
Post Event Materials
Post-Event Evaluation
Recipients will complete a post-event report, detailing the below questions. This form and all reimbursement requests are to be submitted within 30 days of attendance at the conference. Recipients are encouraged to put a note on their calendar to adhere to this deadline.
- What is the biggest take away you have from attending this professional development opportunity?
- Will you budget to attend the event again? Why or why not?
- What is something your tourism colleagues should keep in mind when considering attending this event in the future?
- Write a paragraph on what you learned from your favorite session of the conference. Include why the session was beneficial and how the topic connects back to your work or the work of Iowa tourism as a whole.
- Complete the Post-Event Survey
- Download the post-event reimbursement form.
Attach all event receipts with the post-event reimbursement form in the Post-Event Survey. Upload 1 pdf file with all receipts attached to the form. (There are free programs online to do this if you do not have an Adobe subscription.)
Examples of Eligible Conferences
Explore the list of potential educational conferences that you may consider applying to attend. Please note that applications are not restricted to these options; this list is designed to inspire your search for a conference that aligns with your interests and professional goals.
- American Alliance of Museums
- Association of Midwest Museums Annual Conference
- American Association for State & Local History
- American Hotel & Lodging Association Conference
- Destination Capitol Hill
- Destinations International (DI)
- CEO Summit, Advocacy Summit, Business Operations Summit, Marketing & Communications Summit, Visitor Services Summit, Social Inclusion Summit
- Educational Seminar for Tourism Organizations (ESTO)
- Institute for Organization Management (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
- Mid-America Chamber Executives (MACE)
- Midwest Fairs Association
- National Festival & Events Conference
- National Restaurant Association Conference
- Marketing Executives Group, Public Affairs Conference, Restaurant Legal Summit, Supply Chain Conference, The Table
- Sports Events & Tourism Association (Sports ETA)
- Women’s Summit, Facilities Summit, 4S Summit, Chief Executive Summit
- SportsTravel Leadership Forum
- Travel & Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Marketing Outlook Forum
- CenStates Annual Chapter Conference
- Upper Midwest Convention & Visitors Bureau (UMCVB)
For Program Questions:
Chelsea Lerud
Executive Director, iTIP
clerud@iowatravelindustry.org | 515-207-0009