One Vision
One Mission
One Voice
The Iowa Travel Industry Partners Foundation (501c3) was created for Iowa’s travel industry. The purpose of the Foundation is to support education, research, and advocacy activities for Iowa’s tourism industry.
Iowa Travel Industry Partners Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering the Iowa Travel and Tourism Industry, by providing education, research, advocacy, and workforce development.
The goal of the Iowa Travel Industry Partners Foundation is to:
- analyze, identify and fulfill the educational needs of those who are interested or engaged in the travel or destination organization industry.
- conduct studies and obtain and disseminate data relating to the travel industry or destination organizations and destination clients; to produce and distribute such findings.
- engage in charitable activities, provide scholarships and other programs for leadership development and provide or facilitate donations to provide opportunities for Iowa tourism as a unified voice.
The members of the Foundation Board of Trustees oversee the work of the Foundation.
Mark Eckman, President
Council Bluffs Convention & Visitors Bureau
Nick Pfeiffer, Vice President
Think Iowa City
Lindsey James, Treasurer
Visit Mason City
Libbey Hohn, Secretary
Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce
Kevin Bourke, Association Liaison
Discover Ames
Laura Carrell, Director at Large
Meet Ottumwa
Paul Richey, Director at Large
Hilton Garden Inn Iowa City Downtown University
The Foundation Board of Trustees presents a number of awards to celebrate the industry annually. There is an offering of individual leader/organization awards as well as a series of awards based on population categories. The awards are voted on by the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Travel Industry Partners Foundation.
Nominations for FY25 are now open through April 9, 2025. Award recipients will be announced in mid-May and honored at the Summer Celebration on June 10 in Winterset.
The iTIP Awards are open to all individuals, private businesses, for-profits, and nonprofit organizations offering a tourism product or service in Iowa. All entries must promote tourism to or within Iowa. Events or initiatives nominated for consideration need to have occurred between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.
Please note: FY24 award recipients are not eligible to enter in the same category in FY25. iTIP does reserve the right to move a nomination to another category if it is a better fit.
Individual awards
JOE TAYLOR VISION AWARD: An award presented to an Iowa tourism leader whose visionary work has advanced the Iowa tourism industry beyond his or her community. One award will be presented to a candidate from a community with a population over 10,000. Nomination Form Open through April 9, 2025
ABBY KISLING LEADERSHIP AWARD: An award presented to an Iowa tourism leader whose exceptional work and achievements have inspired growth and success in the industry. One award will be presented to a candidate from a community with a population under 30,000. Nomination Form Open through April 9, 2025
ELECTED OFFICIAL OF THE YEAR: An award presented to an Iowa elected official to recognize efforts to advance the work of tourism. The individual nominated may be an elected official at the federal, state, or city/county level. Nomination Form Open through April 9, 2025
iTIP PARTNER OF THE YEAR: An award to recognize a business, organization, or individual that has provided extraordinary support to iTIP in the past year. Nomination Form Open through April 9, 2025
Excellence Awards
Each of the following awards will be awarded to three population categories. Population is determined from recent U.S. Census Bureau data.
- Rural: Population under 10,000
- Mid-size: Population between 10,001 – 30,000
- Metro*: Population over 30,000
- * Statewide Organizations are considered in the Metro category
ARTS, CULTURE & HERITAGE: An award to recognize a business, organization, or destination that showcases the arts, culture, or heritage for the enhancement of the tourism experience and economic well-being of their community. Nomination Form Open through April 9, 2025
ONLY IN IOWA: An award to recognize what makes the state unique, noteworthy, or otherwise proud. Nomination Form Open through April 9, 2025
RISING STAR: An award to recognize someone new to the Iowa tourism industry within the past five years who has demonstrated leadership, commitment, and passion for the Iowa travel industry. Nomination Form Open through April 9, 2025
SERVICE EXCELLENCE: An award to recognize a business, organization, or destination that has achieved significant success and growth by providing exceptional customer service. Nomination Form Open through April 9, 2025
SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVE: An award to recognize a business, organization, or destination that makes the effort to reduce the impact of human activity on the environment. Nomination Form Open through April 9, 2025