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Webinar: Group Tour Discussion

February 6 @ 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Save the date for a webinar discussion on the topic of group tours with our partners at Group Tour Magazine (Greenspring Media). Stay tuned for additional details.

This event is open to any iTIP member. Be sure to register to gain the Microsoft Teams meeting login information.

Register: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/7a98aede-2db4-4000-bd3f-2391dda85ae3@91390cd9-931b-46b5-85b2-3c171adaa5ac



Jim Holthaus, Group Travel Magazine (Greenspring): As a member of the sales team, Jim is passionate about each client he works with to connect his clients through well-produced and highly effective integrated media plans that include print, sponsored editorial, retargeting campaigns, and many other digital options. While working on Group Travel Magazine and Youth Travel Planner, his main focus always is to connect tour suppliers with those that plan travel and considers his level of service to the client as first and foremost to his client’s success.

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