One Vision

One Mission

One Voice

The program areas identified are not a plan, but rather a blueprint for how together the travel industry can identify opportunities and take action on critical issues with the purpose of growing travel in Iowa.


  • Build relationships with aligned partners to strengthen the tourism & hospitality industries
  • Manage a diverse membership program to create a sustainable association


  • Encourage membership that reflects the diversity of the travel industry
  • Identify partnerships to further the mission of the organization


  • Design an education plan which delivers training across the state and uses technology to increase access
  • Coordinate networking opportunities for members


  • Provide an opportunity for intake from members on issues to define a legislative agenda
  • Pursue legislation for alternative funding for tourism and investment for implementation of the industry strategic plan
  • Successfully advocate for Iowa to be at the national average for tourism spending


  • Promote Iowa’s niche opportunities in areas of group travel, sports, and meetings
  • Educate the industry on iTIP’s programs and benefits


Get involved with iTIP to help advance the travel and hospitality industry of Iowa. United, the travel industry can accomplish great things.